Insights Articles

Fonts – Embedding, Royalties, and Type

As an author, choosing the right font for your book is an important decision that can affect the readability and overall aesthetic of your work.

Understanding Copyrights for Text and Images

A copyright is a legal right that gives the creator of a work exclusive control over how it's used and distributed.

Hard Cover vs Soft Cover Books

The main difference between the two is the type of cover that each has, with hardcovers being more durable and long-lasting, while softcovers are more affordable and portable.

Understanding ISBN and LCCN Codes

These numbers help bookstores, libraries, and other organizations to identify and track a specific book.

Common Sections of a Book

There are many different components to a book, and it's important to understand what each of these sections are and what role they play in the overall structure of the book.

Page Numbering Best Practices

As a book designer, it's important to consider the best practices for page numbering to ensure a polished and professional finished product.